Monday, August 25, 2008

Things you can/can not freeze

I *just* discovered the Hot Coupon World forums this weekend. If you want to join and want a referral, use peachykornkitten!

I have learned sooo much about couponing and stockpiling. Yes, this has become a little of an obsession.

I didn't know you can freeze
-Flavored Coffee Creamer
-Canned biscuits
-Lunch meat
-Plain Yogurt

And and I didn't know you shouldn't freeze
-Anything with mayonnaise in it
-Sour Cream
-Flavored Yogurt
-Block cheese you plan to slice


M said...

Eggs....really?? And I'd think the canned biscuits would explode, no??

Samantha said...

I will try to post the directions for the eggs later today if I get a chance.

And I thought the biscuits would explode too. I am throwing a can of biscuits in the freezer right now and I will let you know if it really works or not.