Monday, August 18, 2008


Saturday, I jumped on a trampoline for the first time in probably 10 years. (I think I was 16 the one and only time I had ever been on one.)

Whoah. I new I was out of shape but I had no idea I would be this sore the day after.

So today I was telling Hubbs about how much fun Monk Man and I had and he told me to price them. He said that a trampoline would be good for me.

Wait. What? Is he calling me fat?

Just kidding. He also said it would be safer than the swimming pool I wanted. I totally agree with him. I do need to get into better shape and what better way is there? I have never stepped foot in a gym, I don't do exercise. But I would really like to try yoga some day.

Anyway, I am getting sidetracked.

I am getting a trampoline! I have ALWAYS wanted one. My mom never would get us one because she was afraid of us falling off and breaking eachother.

Yay! Now I need to find a good deal.

I asked Hubbs if he was having visions of me trying to buy one with a coupon. He didn't reply, so probably.

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